Scientists and specialists of the ROO "Kazakh Psychological Society" together with the staff of the PF "Family Support Center" Zhanya "have developed an automated program" Diagnostic system for the mental state of children "Resource", registered with the Department of Intellectual Property Rights (copyright certificate No. 2174 dated September 28, 2017. )The program is designed to identify children exposed to physical, psychological, sexual and other types of violence, bullying, suicidal tendencies, as well as those with an unfavorable psychological climate in the family. Working with such children is one of the main directions in the prevention of social orphanhood, family trouble and adolescent suicide.The main advantage of this program is that a psychological portrait of the family can be compiled through this system. The program allows you to simultaneously cover a large number of children with the preparation of a "Psychological map" in the city, district and republican scale and will provide timely social and psychological assistance not only to adolescents, but also to their families. This testing method is more accurate and economical, requires less time and money compared to manual testing. To analyze the results, you must enter the site with administrator rights. This can be done simultaneously while the children are passing the tests and online time to track the results of the tested. The program allows you to simultaneously monitor the passing of tests in one class, school, district, city.The program and methodological recommendations, in Kazakh and Russian languages, were developed on the basis of their own works and adaptation of the best world practices, by prominent domestic experts and have been reviewed by: State Institution “National Scientific and Practical Center for Correctional Pedagogy, National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin, as well as leading scientists of psychologists of Kazakhstan, such as doctors of psychological sciences, professor Sheryazdanova K.T. and others.More details can be found on the website